The potential of renewable thermal energy in buildings
Audio in French
As local, sustainable, free, renewable and landscape-neutral energies, solar thermal & geo-energy are two high-potential processes in the building sector (but also in industry)! The two technologies are both flexible and continuously available, and also highly complementary. Less known and less exploited than in other European countries, they nevertheless have the wind in their sails and the support of the public authorities, who intend to give them a place in the future of the French energy mix. Will we see a boom in thermal energies in France?
Round table with: Virginie HACHE- VINCENOT : Mission pour la Transition Energétique – Principauté de Monaco Richard LOYEN : General Delegate – Enerplan Hervé LAUTRETTE : Co-Founder and CEO – AbSOLAR Christophe LUTTMANN : Vice-President – AFPG
Moderated by Luc ANFRAY : Associated – Simon-Kucher